Meiji Shrine

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Nestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Tokyo, Meiji Shrine stands as a serene sanctuary, offering a glimpse into Japan's rich cultural heritage and spiritual traditions. Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, this iconic shrine welcomes visitors seeking solace and tranquility amidst the chaos of urban life.


Constructed in 1920, Meiji Shrine was built to honor the spirits of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, who played pivotal roles in modernizing Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The shrine's serene surroundings and majestic architecture reflect the reverence and respect accorded to the revered imperial couple.

Things to Do

1. Pay Homage at the Main Shrine: Offer prayers and pay respects at the main hall of the shrine, a sacred space imbued with spiritual significance.

2. Stroll Through the Forest: Wander along the tranquil pathways of the surrounding forest, adorned with towering trees and lush greenery.

3. Witness Traditional Ceremonies: Experience the rituals and ceremonies performed at the shrine, providing insight into Japan's rich cultural heritage.

4. Visit the Treasure Museum: Explore the museum showcasing artifacts related to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, offering a deeper understanding of their lives and legacies.

5. Participate in Shinto Rituals: Take part in traditional Shinto rituals, such as offering prayers, purifying oneself at the temizuya, and making offerings at the altar.

How to Explore

Begin your exploration by passing through the imposing torii gate, marking the entrance to the shrine grounds. As you walk along the tranquil pathways, take in the serene atmosphere and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the surrounding forest. Visit the main shrine to pay your respects and observe any ongoing ceremonies. Afterward, explore the museum to learn more about the lives of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken.

Timings and Tickets

Meiji Shrine is open daily from sunrise to sunset, offering visitors ample time to explore its grounds and facilities. There is no admission fee to enter the shrine, making it accessible to all.


Entrance to Meiji Shrine is free of charge. However, donations are welcome to support the upkeep and maintenance of the shrine and its facilities.


- Respectful Attire: Dress modestly and respectfully when visiting the shrine, covering shoulders and knees.

- Silence and Respect: Maintain a respectful demeanor and refrain from loud noises or disruptive behavior.

- Photography Etiquette: Seek permission before taking photos of any rituals or ceremonies, and avoid photographing individuals without their consent.

- Visit During Quiet Hours: Early mornings or late afternoons are ideal times to visit for a more peaceful experience.

- Follow Rituals Carefully: If participating in any rituals, observe and follow the instructions carefully to show respect for the traditions and customs.


Meiji Shrine stands as a testament to Japan's reverence for its imperial history and spiritual traditions. Beyond its historical significance, the shrine offers visitors a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, inviting them to reconnect with nature and explore the depths of Japanese culture and spirituality.


1. Is the Meiji Shrine open to visitors of all religions?

Yes, Meiji Shrine welcomes visitors of all backgrounds and religions to pay their respects and experience its serene ambiance.

2. Can I attend a traditional Shinto wedding at Meiji Shrine?

Yes, Meiji Shrine is a popular venue for traditional Shinto weddings but, reservations are required to observe or participate.

3. Are there any restrictions on photography at Meiji Shrine?

Photography is generally permitted within the shrine grounds, but visitors are asked to be respectful and refrain from photographing certain areas or ceremonies.

4. Can I purchase souvenirs the at Meiji Shrine?

Yes, there are souvenir shops located near the shrine entrance, offering a variety of traditional Japanese gifts and mementos.

5. How do I get to the Meiji Shrine?

Meiji Shrine is located near Harajuku Station and Yoyogi Station, both of which are accessible via various train and subway lines. Simply follow the signs from the stations to reach the shrine entrance.

  • imageDuration Required
    2 hours

Address of Meiji Shrine

1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-8557, Japan

Opening & Closing time of Meiji Shrine

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday